User Friendly
MonitorPro is a user friendly system, perfect for effortlessly untangling your environmental data
MonitorPro has been developed with the user in mind, resulting in a system that is user friendly both in set up and data management.
- MonitorPro enhances user experience with intuitive dashboards, easy compliance management, modern UI with inbuilt mapping, and straightforward data access controls. Flexible setup options accommodate various site and industry needs, ensuring a tailored fit for different workflows and requirements.
- Users can easily highlight compliance warnings with comprehensive reports and instant email alerts. This ensures timely notifications and allows for prompt action on compliance related issues.
- Dashboards are designed to be intuitive and user-configurable, allowing users to quickly build powerful visual displays of their data. These dashboards can be effortlessly shared with other users or groups, facilitating collaborative data analysis and decision-making.
- MonitorPro boasts a modern user interface with easily accessible inbuilt mapping functionality. This feature enhances user experience by providing easy interaction with their spatial data.
”I actually found MonitorPro pretty user friendly for not only data entry but also for setting up compliance checks, relevant selections and recalling data.
Rowan HutsonAustralian Mining Client
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How MonitorPro Can Help Environmental Managers
Organisations which may pollute the environment are accountable for their environmental impact through strict rules and regulations. These rules and requirements require the monitoring, collection and reporting of environmental data…
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