Task Scheduler in MonitorPro
Flexible and easy to use scheduling tool to track and ensure reporting and permit tasks are completed on time
Automated reporting, exporting, and reminder tasks to cover your permit reporting requirements. Ensure site tasks and permit conditions are met by setting reminder tasks, and add an escalation contact to ensure any missed tasks are followed up.
Allow users to automate actions such as generating reports or exports. Create reminder tasks as per permit requirements and escalate to relevant contacts if and when required. Track task completion and link back to your overall legal obligations.
- Automatically send reports and exports to contacts sent via email, at a designated frequency.
- Tasks Status enables users to track the progress and completion of any Tasks which have been created in MonitorPro.
- Users can also set tasks to end at a particular date or leave them to run indefinitely.

”I've found that one of the best features is the compliance breach automated emails. There is something very reassuring in knowing that as soon as data makes it into MonitorPro (which can obviously be very rapid with auto importer) you will be notified of any issues without having to go through all the data looking for problems.
Environmental ManagerGold Mining Client
Want to Find Out More?
Interested in finding out more about the task scheduler in MonitorPro? Contact us at enquiries@ehsdata.com. Want to know how MonitorPro could help your business? check out our benefits of MonitorPro page.
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MonitorPro and Gold Mining
Gold has several consumption sources including jewellery, bar production, coins, medals, and electronics. Due to its high conductivity and resistance to corrosion, gold has become increasingly important in the technology…
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