HERE Mapping API Update Information

Included in MonitorPro Web is access to HERE Mapping layers. Offering easy to use GIS capabilities in the Mapping section of Data Analysis. We were utilising until recently the v2 API which is now being depreciated by HERE and mapping calls to it will soon stop working. We have already switched MP-Web to start using the v3 API. Therefore, hosted clients who are always on the latest version don’t need to worry, access to mapping will continue uninterrupted. For self-hosted clients that have MP-Web you should check that you are on v20 (or above). If not, you will see in the coming months the inability to obtain HERE base maps in the MP-Web mapping. If you need assistance in updating or want to speak to someone about EHS Data’s hosting, then don’t hesitate to contact or your account manager.

About MonitorPro
The complete, professional environmental data monitoring solution, MonitorPro is the IT solution trusted by environmental teams worldwide to manage their environmental compliance and data collection. MonitorPro is a web-based or locally hosted solution for the collation of ALL sources of environmental data, where it is generated by loggers, laboratories, weather stations, calculations, or other data repositories. MonitorPro is the first EHS Software solution to receive an MCERTS accreditation from the Environmental Agency.
About EHS Data
EHS Data is a world leading UK based software company providing Environmental Data Management Solutions to over 1,000 sites in 40 countries worldwide. For over 20 years, our versatile software solution, MonitorPro, has helped organisations save time, improve planning, quality control, site analysis and reporting to manage environmental obligations and sustainability.
ISO 27001
EHS Data is ISO 27001 certified.
A Carbon Negative Business
In 2020, EHS Data attained Carbon negative status and is committed to maintaining this status each year.