MonitorPro: Powerful Environmental Reporting for the Mining Industry

MonitorPro: Trusted by many of the world's largest natural resource companies to simplify their Environmental Data Management

Our specialist knowledge and implementation experience in the mining industry allow us to support our clients and their demanding range of site and companywide environmental obligations.

MonitorPro is trusted by mining organisations spanning six continents, with locations in Australia, North America, Canada, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Our trusted, flexible solutions, developed around the demands of mining professionals, make it one of the most comprehensive Environmental Data Management Systems on the market.

How MonitorPro is Perfectly Suited for Environmental Data Management in Mining Industries

Mining sites can potentially take up large areas of land and consequently can have a significant impact upon the local environment.  Therefore, mining operations have several governmental regulations associated with them, with obligations relating to impacts upon flora and fauna, the terrestrial environment, surface and groundwater quality, air quality, and also social implications through noise and visual appearance.

To monitor and meet all these requirements, a comprehensive monitoring system must be in place, and MonitorPro is the ideal solution. With its highly configurable and user-friendly features, it can assist with combining data from surface water, groundwater, flora/restoration, waste rock, or a range of other requirements, to be seamlessly collated into a single system to highlight when breaches occur and generate reports for submitting to environmental/governmental organisations.

The remote location and scale of mining operations can also make field data collection difficult and result in manual input errors when data is transferred into spreadsheets. However, MonitorPro’s MP Field enables users to enter data in the field on any modern smart device, even without network connectivity.

MonitorPro is Highly Configurable

With flexibility and ease of use at its core, MonitorPro is suitable for a range of data types across a wide range of mining industries. 

Lithium Mining

Due to the continued increase in demand for Lithium In recent years, EHS Data has seen the start of an increase in new clients in this emerging sector, all turning to MonitorPro to better manage their environmental obligations, monitoring, and compliance.

Lithium Mine Case Study

Mineral Sand Ore Mining

For over 10 years we have had users in the mineral sand ore mining sector, with numbers steadily increasing over that time.  Clients in this sector range from operations in the US, Africa, and Australia, all seeking to improve their environmental data management.

Sand Mining Case Study

Gold Mining

MonitorPro has been implemented at numerous gold mines across five continents for some of the world’s largest gold miners. MonitorPro helps to effectively streamline internal and external data collection and reporting processes.

Gold Mining Case Study

Coal Mining

MonitorPro helps coal mines manage and mitigate their environmental impact and intensive monitoring requirements. Implemented across the sector, from open-cut and underground operations in Australia, to steelmaking coal mines across Canada.

Coal Mining Case Study

Easy to use, easy to set up, and good support.

Environmental SupervisorAustralian Mining Client



Reliable field data entry without the need for an internet connection.

  • Data is validated and imported directly into MonitorPro.
  • Special input options such as drop-down menus and date pickers.
  • Easy onboarding of users with built-in mapping.


More about MP-Field features

Email Importer

Automatically import data from multiple sources.

  • Data in one location is imported from various sources via email, including labs, loggers, and weather stations.
  • Flexible email rules to pick up files from a wide variety of sources.


More about importer features


Flexible and easily configurable compliance.

  • Easily set up to match regulatory and internal limits.
  • Advanced options to include dynamic conditionality such as calculated limits, or consecutive exceedances.
  • Support for seasonal, daily, or other time based compliance.
More about compliance features

Want to find out more?

To find out more on how MonitorPro can help your business manage it’s environmental check out more features of MonitorPro,  benefits of MonitorPro, and why choose MonitorPro.  For a free demo or to speak to one of our consultants contact us at

MonitorPro Mining Resources

Mining in Australia

EHS Data works alongside some of the biggest corporate enterprises in Australian mining, providing the best solution to manage their environmental data using MonitorPro and ensuring environmental compliance.

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Mining in Canada

Canadian mining companies recognise that careful and detailed management of their environmental impacts is crucial to managing corporate risk and attracting outside investment. Find out how MonitorPro provides the perfect solution to this.

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Mining in the United States

MonitorPro has an extremely flexible reporting engine, enabling EHS Data to develop specific reporting templates, for example the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) used specifically for NPDES permits.

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MP Field’s digital data collection make data collection in the field significantly easier and less error prone than manual methods.

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MonitorPro Key Facts


Clients worldwide


Users worldwide


Years of experience